Tuesday, July 10, 2018

I will design and or rig a reusable 2d character in harmony

I will design and or rig a reusable 2d character in harmony


You describe a character you need designed to me, I send you a few sketches, you either say you don't think I'm a good fit and cancel the order, or you tell me what you do like about one of them and what more you want, I'll do a full sketch on that design, you get a chance to do revisions or approve the design. If you want a revision, I'll do that and then you can either approve it or pay for more revisions. Once the sketch is approved, I'll clean it up and send you either a Toonboom file of it or a .PSD file, or just a .png or .jpeg or whatever.

If you get the Standard plan, I'll also rig one view of the character in Toonboom Harmony or Adobe Animate that you can reuse in your animations and edit as needed.

Premium gets you a rig with all views of the character.  (3/4 front, front, profile, 3/4 back, back)







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